Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Mercoledi 10 ottobre 2018 Lezione 5

We are going to discuss in depth grammatical and syntactical issues.
Start with a review of the various tutorials on Youtube on my Italian Grammar playlist:

Choose one aspect that you would like to ask questions about and publish it here.

Click COMMENT below.


  1. I would like to know why in inglese we should not end a sentence with a preposition, like: the party I vote for always lose// the party for which I vote always loses (true.)

  2. Io viaggio a Paris per vedere il Eiffel Tower.
    Gli studenti ascoltano a Professoressa Anna.
    Mia madre perde i suoi chiavi.
    Ogni notte io dormo per dieci ore.
    Io pulisco la mia stanza.
